Sharing this solution I designed few months back. The solution implements a financial reporting dashboard on Power BI for a client which looks like a normal PBI dash at the first glance. But it integrates data from 4 OSIsoft PI and 4 corresponding OSIsoft AF Servers on the backend! Previously my client was exporting data from different PI and AF servers using Data Link into different excel files. Then they were implementing the calculations on a central excel file. Instead of all those segmented and manual efforts, this robust interactive Power BI solution has been designed to obtain detailed financial report for the entire enterprise combining corresponding data from different PI servers. Thus the solution eliminates all manual repetitive work and the need of dealing with different PI servers separately.
For the curious mind, I designed this solution using OLEDB Provider and OLEDB Enterprise at the backend. Yes, client didn’t even have to use PI Integrator for Business Analytics for this 😊.

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