Sharing an interesting IT-OT convergence POC I worked on. Requirement of the project was to implement a connectivity platform that brings all IT and OT data sources at the same place to establish a single source of truth. We used Kepware Technologies KepserverEx to implement this. Different DCS, OPC, DB, SCADA etc. was brought under the same platform and was exposed to MES, Cloud, Historian, DB, .Net clients, ODBC clients etc. Sharing this cause I think such a solution will be extremely helpful to other enterprises as well.
As a simple example, Honeywell Process Solutions’ Matrikon and OSIsoft’s PI OPC interaction was made interchangeable in this particular instance. This opens up the possibility of ingesting raw data from different end clients/sensors; process them in MES/ERP/Cloud layer and then use the results to control/optimize the operation of sensors located somewhere else. This opens up a whole new realm of possibility for each business unit. Imagine a BI developer who can directly use sensor data via ODBC in his analysis to produce insightful and real time reports without going through separate MES to ERP layer integration! Intriguing right?

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